Monday 3 March 2014

(real social)^7

(rough pattern reminder to collect information )

(A) base object – (human) >> (i) men (ii) women --- (i)boys (ii) girls --- and children.

(B) sub objects (communication and reaction) ---

1) (with all possible positive reaction) buenos dias, Guten Morgen, good morning.

2) (formal and Informal communication) Hola, aló, jaló, bueno, al, diga Grüß dich! Grüß Gott! Guten Tag. ¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo está? Entschuldigen Sie bitte! Entschuldigung! Pardon me? Wie bitte? Thank you.? Danke. I'm sorry.? Es tut mit leid. Really? Wirklich? Gladly! Gerne! Sehr erfreut. Mach's gut. Adiós Goodbye Auf Wiedersehen. Gracias ¿Cómo te va? ¿Cómo le va? ¿Qué tal? ¿Qué hay?¿Qué pasa? — ¿Qué hubo? ¿Qué onda?...

3) (Over past objects) ‘what do you think?’, ’what are you thinking?’, ‘what is your reaction?’, what do you want?

4) Thinking………… simply it starts with why and how

5) Relation of interest, nothing happens without any reason

| ------------- formal and Informal social/business relation

| (all possible objects between 1 to 6)




6) Guten Abend. Buenas noches

^0) past object >> videos, pictures and intellectual property

^0) (one must abide by Law) like/love/dislike/hate--almost connect connected to all sub object and base object

(C) places -----where people meet, part of introduction, college university parks club library and connected to 5

(D) Businesses and trade (social business concept)

(E) Knowledge

(F) Nash game theory, the page rank, Like Analysis, Democratic Analysis


(G) Intelligent Search >> comprising all object A to E

(h) politics
(formal and Informal communication)

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